Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blogger favicon in Chrome and FF

I didn't imagine that placing the code for favicon can be so time consuming. Here are some tpis and tricks that can be useful to others.
1. First find or create favicon (google or
2. Make sure that you have not set any favicon (Design-> Page Elelments-> Favicon)
3. Add this code below </head> tag

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/' />
<link href='' rel='icon'/>
This tip comes from here. It doesn't work on IE but this did not bother me.

If you want put the favicon in the network to to receive a direct link from them you must register. For those who do not want to do that I propose to use available in Chrome the "inspect element" feature with its help you can easily read the entire value of the field "Direct Link" on imageshack.

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