Monday, February 20, 2012

Improve productivity by tracking work environment with git - vim

In this post I try to describe my vim configuration procedure and how it is connected with git. The whole concept is based on keeping all the configuration files in a separate directory. These files are connected using symbolic links in places where system or application requires it (eg $HOME/.vimrc -> /home/jdoe/workspace/dotfiles/vimrc). So first let's create local directory for vim:
cd ~/workspace/dotfiles;mkdir vim

  1. Pathogen

  2. The first plugin that will be installed is pathogen created by tpope and accessible through github. Pathogen is a vim script to manage all vim plugins with ease. Below line add pathogen as submodule to our workspace repository created in previous post:
    git submodule add dotfiles/vim/pathogen
    Initialise repository and update it:
    git submodule init && git submodule update
    Create additional directories need to complete pathogen installation, change directory to autoload:
    cd dotfiles/vim;mkdir {autoload,bundle};cd autoload
    In autoload directory pathogen should be installed, bundle directory is a place for all plugins installed in future. Finally we need to link vim script from pathogen submodule to current directory (dotfiles/vim/autoload):
    ln -s ../pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim .
    Directory structure should look like below:
                    pietrushnic@eriador:~/workspace/dotfiles$ tree
                    └── vim
                        ├── autoload
                        │   └── pathogen.vim -> ../pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim
                        ├── bundle
                        └── pathogen
                            ├── autoload
                            │   └── pathogen.vim
                            └── README.markdown
    At the end of pathogen installation few lines to $HOME/.vimrc should be added. Of course following rules about dotfiles management .vimrc should be created as separate file in ~/workspace/dotfiles and linked to $HOME/.vimrc.
    touch vimrc;ln -s $PWD/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
    Add below lines to $HOME/.vimrc
     call pathogen#infect()
    call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
    call pathogen#helptags()
    syntax on
    filetype plugin indent on

  3. Fuzzyfinder
  4. This is second plugin without which I cannot work. It speeds up searching though files, directories and tags. Has multiple useful features. RTFM if you want knew them. I will be also added as a git submodule:
    git submodule add dotfiles/vim/bundle/fuzzyfinder
    Additional plugin is needed to correctly install fuzzyfinder:
    git submodule add dotfiles/vim/bundle/l9
    Initialize and update submodules:
    git submodule init && git submodule update
    Configuration I suggest to configure fuzzyfinder with accordance to example provided in help. 
    • Run vim and type :h fuf@en<Enter>. 
    • Choose tag fuf-vimrc-example and press Ctrl-]. 
    • Mark whole keybindings copy and paste to ~/.vimrc
Right now I think it is enough with vim configuration. Of course I use plenty of other plugins but I don't have to time to describe my them all (maybe in future posts). Don't forget to commit your changes, there could be a lot of them, however, to deal with the distribution of these changes and improve your skills try to use git add -p interface, suggesting after linux code style - each commit should contain separate logical part of the changes, personally I add prefix to my commits (eg . vim, git, etc.) to ease deal with git log.
  • vim helpfiles generates tags files, which should be ignored by git, so I recommend to create .gitignore in every module with blow content:
  • .gitignore
  • by default fuzzyfinder operate on unfriendly color palette espessicaly when using it through putty, highlighted pattern could be changed by added below lines to .vimrc (9 = black)
  • " fuzzy-finder - fix colors
    highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=9

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