Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Building ARM toolchain - part 1: libs and binutils

Searching the internet for information on how to build arm toolchain from scratch I realize that it is very hard to find  information about this matter (and recent one even harder). I will try to fill this lack of information and try to build toolchain. My main goal is to use a component based on the GNU public license, and using them in as the newest version as it is possible.

What is toolchain ? (according to wikipedia):

In software, a toolchain is the set of programming tools that are used to create a product (typically another computer program or system of programs). The tools may be used in a chain, so that the output of each tool becomes the input for the next, but the term is used widely to refer to any set of linked development tools.

- Cross compiler, I create one using corsstool-ng and describe this process in previous post. I will use arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi as entry point compiler. - $TARGET is defined as my destination directory
export TARGET=/home/pietrushnic/sandbox/toolchain

  1. Kernel header files:
    1. clone linux git repository
      git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
    2. install headers $TARGET is home of our toolchain
      make ARCH=arm INSTALL\_HDR\_PATH=\$TARGET/usr headers\_install
  2. Libraries (gmp, mpfr, mpc)
    1. GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library) - changeset used: 14765:0acae62fa162
      • As I said before I use "latest greatest" ;P version, and for gmp we can reach it using:
        hg clone http://gmplib.org:8000/gmp
      • create configuration files
      • configure
        ./configure --prefix=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --enable-shared=n \
      • compile
        make check
        make install
    2. MPFR (GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliably) - version: r8103
      • get latest version
        svn checkout svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/mpfr/trunk mpfr
      • create configuration file
        autoreconf -i
      • configure
        ./configure --prefix=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --enable-thread-safe \
        --with-gmp=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --disable-shared --enable-static
      • compile
        make install
    3. MPC (Multiple Precision Complex)- version: r1146
      • checkout svn
        svn checkout svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/mpc/trunk mpc
      • create configuration file
        autoreconf -i
      • configure
        ./configure --prefix=$TARGET/arm-x-tools \
        --with-gmp=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --with-mpfr=$TARGET/arm-x-tools \
        --disable-shared --enable-static
      • compile
        make install
  3. Binutils - collection of a GNU binary tools:
    • checkout version from anonymous cvs
      cvs -z 9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@sourceware.org:/cvs/src login
      create directory for checkout
      mkdir binutils
      checkout sources
      cvs -z 9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@sourceware.org:/cvs/src co binutils
    • configure
      LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath -Wl,$TARGET/arm-x-tools/lib" ./configure \
      --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
      --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --prefix=$TARGET/arm-x-tools \
      --disable-nls --disable-multilib --disable-werror --with-float=soft \
      --with-gmp=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --with-mpfr=$TARGET/arm-x-tools \
      --with-mpc=$TARGET/arm-x-tools --with-sysroot=$TARGET
    • compile
      make configure-host
      make install
    • to check if everything was made correctly
      ldd $TARGET/arm-x-tools/bin/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-ldd
      it should show that it use library compiled previously by us:
      libz.so.1 => /home/pietrushnic/sandbox/toolchain/arm-x-tools/lib/libz.so.1 \
This set gives us a solid base to build the compiler. However, it will be in the next section.

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