Monday, March 12, 2012

Debugging coreboot in qemu environment - part 1

First of all I use testing version of Debian - wheezy. Clone coreboot repository:
git clone
cd coreboot; make menuconfig
Payload  ---> Add a payload ---> FILO
Payload  ---> FILO version ---> HEAD
Debugging  ---> Check PIRQ table consistency
Debugging  ---> Output verbose malloc debug messages
Debugging  ---> Output verbose ACPI debug messages
Debugging  ---> Enable debug messages for option ROM execution
Debugging  ---> Built-in low-level shell
Debugging  ---> Trace function calls
Try to build:
If everything builds correctly you can process. Sometimes there is need to use cross compiler. To build one:
cd util/crossgcc
To explore coreboot code effectively I suggest to create tags and cscope database for coreboot. In my personal workspace I've got process that I go through before I start work (if you use my workspace configuration which is available @github you can follow below steps directly, if not adjust to your enviroment):
  1. run vim ;)
  2. :cd /path/to/code
  3. s<Tab> (fuzzyfinder -> bookmark dir)
  4. si (fuzzyfinder -> change dir)
  5. sr (run ctags to generate tags and cscope to build symbol database - ctags -R;cscope -R -q -b -v)
After steps above we can start work with code. Run vim in coreboot dirctory. Type:
:e src/cpu/x86/16bit/
Put cursor over protected_start and press Ctrl-]. If everything goes ok you should jump to build/mainboard/emulation/qemu-x86/bootblock.s line 537.

In second article we dive into first phase of coreboot execution in emulated environment.  

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